Pixel Vista
Meet Linda Layhe, a talented WordPress and Graphic Designer who founded Pixel Vista in 2008. Her goal? To help small businesses create stunning websites and graphics at an affordable cost. We’re excited to share Linda’s amazing journey, especially since her website, pixelvista.uk, is hosted at one.com.

How it all began
Linda’s background in art and her talent for learning software came together perfectly when she noticed that her friends were struggling to get their first websites up and running. They had to hire different service providers for logos, content, and web design, which turned out to be quite costly and time-consuming. That’s when Linda stepped in to make things simpler. She began creating their logos, helping with content writing, sourcing images, and designing the entire website. Now, her clients can get all they need in one place at Pixel Vista.
Pixel Vista’s core values
Linda is all about keeping things affordable for her clients and empowering them to own their websites. She gives them training on managing their WordPress websites and shares useful social media tips. Linda says that she enjoys the whole process of website design as she can dig into her client’s personality, industry, and inspiration, and makes sure their website truly reflects who they are.

Finding the perfect hosting fit
Over time, Linda has tried out different hosting platforms, but none have come close to the affordability and user-friendly control panel that one.com provides. This is a big deal for her clients since it helps them save money on everyday tasks like setting up emails, buying new domains, or upgrading their services. Plus, Linda really likes how one.com’s technical support works. It’s speedy and dependable. They also keep her informed about domain name and security certificate expirations, as well as any website issues. This assurance is a big part of why Linda feels confident about growing her business.
Linda has seen her business expand as she gets more word-of-mouth leads. And the reason she’s able to do this with confidence? It’s all thanks to the one.com hosting she suggests to her clients.
Want to learn more about Pixel Vista? Visit the website pixelvista.uk.